Targetting System

This is a simple class containing a collection of subclasses and simple examples on how to target other ASCs.

They mostly use Physics (e.g. Raycast, CheckSphere, OnTriggerEnter), but you can use your own targetting system (e.g. Card game where you pass the target based on your UI selection).

You can pass targets directly to the ability GA using TryActivate, or you can implement your own abilities that get their targets their during activation. TargetVolume: Gets any ASC inside a referenced trigger collider. (Simple, high performance targetting) TargetRadius: Gets any ASC within the radius TargetRadiusLOS: Gets any ASC within the radius, checks for line of sight. TargetCone: Gets any ASC within the given radius and a given field of view angle. Also checks for line of sight.

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