Cookbook 🥣
Here we describe the recipes for some common mechanics. We can see how simple it is to implement them with GASify.
Create a duration GE with a multiply modifier to MovementSpeed attribute. Hook the MovementSpeed attribute to your movementSpeed variable on the controller. Drag the GE to an ability (GA) and activate it.
Constant Health regeneration
Create a GE with infinite duration. Add a period value, and a BasicModifier that targets Health. Set it to Add and put a value. Attach it to a passive ability the ASC is initialized with OR Apply the GE on start manually.
Constant Health regeneration based on a HealthRegen attribute
Create a GE with infinite duration. Add a period value, and an AttributeBasedModifier that targets Health and uses your HealthRegen attribute. Attach it to a passive ability the ASC is initialized with OR Apply the GE on start manually.
Add a GameplayTag named "Stun" to the stunning GE. Make a listener for ASC.OnTagsChanged event on your player controller. If the Stun tag is present when the event is triggered, disable the control, else enable it.
Custom Damage Formulas
Extend the Calculation base class and make a DamageCalculation that implements your custom formula.
Create a ScriptableObject class that holds it.
Create a SO instance of the Calculation (GEC) via the assetMenu, and attach it to the damage GE.
OnDamageHit VFX/SFX (Cues)
Select the GE ScriptableObject that contains your Damage calculation or modifier. Add a GameplayTag "OnDamageHit" to its CueTags Go to your CuesLibrary, register a prefab (VFX/SFX) and assign its tag to the GameplayTag (OnDamageHit) you just added on the GE CueTags.
Inventory item consumption on ability activation
(e.g. Ammo consumption when using a Shoot Ability)
Create a new class that inheritis from any GameplayAbility class. On the new class, override CheckCost and Activate, respectively, to include a check for the cost on your inventory and pay the cost when activated.
Bonus Damage depending on Weapon Type
Create a tag for you weapon type e.g. "Weapon.Type.Ranged.Bow".
Whenever you equip/unequip the weapon, apply/remove an infinite durationType GE 1 with "Weapon.Type.Ranged.Bow" on GrantedTags
Create an GE 2 with Multiply Modifier (with the bonus value) for MinDamage and MaxDamage attributes.
Add "Weapon.Type.Ranged.Bow" to the GE 2's ApplicationTagRequirementsRequired
When the GE 2 is applied, the modifiers will only be applied if the target has "Weapon.Type.Ranged.Bow" on its tags.
Global Cooldown
Create a tag for it "Ability.Cooldown.Global" Assign it to the SourceTagsForbidden of every ability that shares the global cooldown, OR extend GameplayAbility's CanActivate() method to always check for that specific tag for all abilities. Add it to the cooldown effect on the abilities that should trigger it, OR extend GameplayAbility's Activate() to always apply the tag for X seconds when the ability is activated.
Hit Position
If you are doing a shooter game and/or require exact hit positions to trigger cues: 1 - Add a position vector to your GE.
2 - Pass the GE on the GameplayCue and move it to the desired position:
Hit me up at and tell me what you want, and I'll give you a recipe for it ;)
Last updated