Basic Usage
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Last updated
Example Scenes: Assets/GAS/Mirror-Integration/ExampleSceneMirrorGAS.unity (multiplayer) Assets/GAS/Example/ExampleSceneGAS.unity (singleplayer)
Create their Scriptable Objects:
Right click a folder in your editor -> Create -> GAS. Create an ability GameplayAbilitySO (GA SO). Create an effect GameplayEffectSO (GE SO). Populate the effect with tags and modifiers. (Use ADD MODIFIER button on the bottom of the GE SO) Drag the effect into the created ability's effectsSO field.
*Tags, Attributes and GameplayCues SOs must be in the same folder as their library (AttributeNameLibrary, GameplayTagLibrary, GameplayCueLibrary)
Drag your ability into a pre-existent GroupASC at Assets/GAS/Resources/DataGroups OR; Alternatively, create your own GroupASCData Groups and drag it there.
Drag the GroupASC into the PrefabPlayer (GAS/Example/) OR; Alternatively, drag the GroupASC into a new AbilitySystemComponent.
Use the PrefabPlayer (GAS/Example/) to activate the ability with LeftClick or Numbers 0-9 or; Call TryActivateAbility from the AbilitySystemComponent (ASC) using your own code.